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Create Better Learning Experience



Transforming Process 1: from IDPSS to B-learning

As IDPSS is Kathy’s self-orientated project, the benefit is the depth and highly reflective side of IDPSS. This is a transformative process of from self-orientated to other-orientated. 



Transforming Process 2: from B-learning to ID-career tool

Step 1: From B-learning, abstract the functions for IDer (Instructional designer)

Step 2: Integrate with the functions of supporting career marketing, to form ID-career tool.  


Transforming Process 3: from ID-career tool to Entrepreneurship-tool

Step 1: Entrepreneurship is also a type of career, so the functions in ID-career tool can be transformed to Entrepreneurship-tool too.

Step 2: For entrepreneurship, the new thing is the commercialization of innovation side.  


Transforming Process 4: from B-learning to PSS (Performance Support System)

Step1: B-learning focus on learning design, we take the assumption that our users are from educational field or training field.

Step2: When talking about PSS (Performance Support System), we broaden our assumptions: our users include everyone who is in some performance tasks.  


Transforming Process 5: from ID-career-tool to Career-tool 


Transforming Process 6: from (PSS + Career-tool + Entrepreneurship-tool) to Inno-map