Notes for W-MIT Source A-1.1.2
Notes from http://www.media.mit.edu/about/faq#what
1. "... foresaw the coming convergence of computing, publishing, and broadcast, fueled by changes in the communications industry"
My comments:
a. What is the relationships between 'media' & 'communication'?
b. I want to relate media to "mediation" in learning science.
2. "As this convergence accelerated, it spurred interconnected developments in the unusual range of disciplines that the Lab brought together..."
My comments:
a. How can Smart-Analogy and Tree-nets facilitate the interconnected development?
b. How can I relate this to my working on consilience?
3. "...including cognition, electronic music, graphic design, video, and holography, as well as work in computation and human-machine interfaces."
My comments
a. The Lab is in the Architecture department, what about the architecture field development?
b. People's actions rely heaviely on our envrionement: the city, the road, the buildings, etc. This is why I synthesize this part as an important component in Tree-Nets.
c. The usability in digital world borrow heavily from architecture and industry design.
d. In the book of "The metaphors we live by", our thinking is projected heavily into our physical spaces
4. "... today's Media Lab continues to focus on the study, invention, and creative use of digital technologies ..."
My comments:
a. Relate this one to the statement of "embed digital.. into.. physical"
5. "... to enhance the ways that people think, express, and communicate ideas, and explore new scientific frontiers."
My comments:
a. This is a more concrete statement of the goal: it is about the ways that people think, express, and communicate ideas.
b. Can a systematic independent innovation science become a new scientific frontier?

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