Notes for W-MIT Source A-1.2.2
1. "I'm especially interested in using Artificial Intelligence techniques to improve all kinds of user interfaces."
My comments
a. Dr. Lieberman's major interest: using AI techniques to improve user interfaces.
b. How can this relate to my vision on intelligent tool on learning design, with borrowing analogies from a set of digital tools?
c. I want to ask him:"Will you be interested in using AI techniques to improve user interfaces of tools that address learning-design?"
2. "Much of my work is centered on the use of Common Sense knowledge, simple facts about people and everyday life."
My comments
a. Rules behind learning-design are about people and everday life, every one has lots of experiences of learning.
b. So, rules about learning are supposed to be simple facts, to be Common Sense knowledge.
c. Unfortunately, this assumption is not reality. Collectively, human beings might know about learning science less than we know about how to make a plane. Individually, there are great gaps that most learners need to fill, in terms of simple facts/rules about learning.
d. Ideally, desirably, knowledge-about-learning can be transformed to Common Sense knowledge owned by most learners.
e. Digital tools might play a huge role in the above transformation
f. Digtial tools might play a huge role in helping our collectively developing learning sciences.
3. "I also work on bringing the full procedural power of computers to non-expert users through Programming by Example, natural language and visual programming. "
My comments
a. I can abstract two structures from this sentence:
~ Structure-1. ".. bring the full..power of ... to non-expert users"
this is about the goal, and also implies the needs/current situation: the full power is not accessible to non-expert users, and non-expert users need this accessibility.
~ Structure-2."through Programming by Example, natural language and visual programming"
this is about the methods/solutions.
b. With fitting details of my works into these 2 structures, I can analyze how my works share with and complementary to Dr. Lieberman's works. So that I can analyze what I can learn from him; and on the other hand, what new insights and solutions that I might be able to bring to his projects.
c. How to use Tree-Nets, PH-KIT, and SIF to illustrate his methods?
4. " I'm also interested in a wide variety of other topics in AI and interactive computing."
My comments
a. Is Dr. Lieberman interested in AI-in-reverse, cognitive-distribution, and the dynamics among: AI, cognitive-distribution, and AI-in-reverse? To a great degree, my works is about this dynamics.
b. In my research on CAS-aided-math-teaching, I touched upon a debating theme: white-box or black-box.
c. My master thesis project is about learning through the recursive process of designing, using, and evaluating a performance support system. From then on, intuitively and theoratically, I start to consider this dynamics.

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