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Tree (Tree-net, part10)

Created on Feb 7th: The multiple-windows in Tree-net


Tree (Tree-net, part8)

Created on Feb 6th

Tree (Tree-net, part2)

Part 2: play and script; pre-, parallel-, and post-script; authentic-play and animated play; the same play by various people; relate all plays by one person

Tree (tree-net, part4)

Tree (Tree-net, part 4) Scripts as important intelligence, how the scripts are obtained by H (Human-beings) and C (Computers).   

Created on Feb.3:

The process of internalization

Tree (Tree-net, part1)

Created in Feb 1st

Part 1: Visualize thinking and learning, in meaningful play, in sign activity, in possible neural activity, and in their connections and projections with each other.

Tree-net (Scratch, BirthdayPA)

Tree-net created in Jan 31

Tree-net (LifelongKindG, BirthdayPA)

Tree-net created in Jan31

Tree-net (CommonSenseC, BirthdayPA)

Tree-net created in Jan 31

tree-net (SoftwareA, BirthdayPA)

Tree-net created in Jan 31

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