Tree-threads for W-MIT Source A-1.1.1
Submitted by Kathy on Tue, 2012-01-17 16:11Tree-threads created based on "Mission and history"
Word tree-threads
A-1.1.1-w1: future
A-1.1.1-w2: technology
Phrase tree-threads
A-1.1.1-future-ph1: better future
A-1.1.1-future-ph2: future-obsessed product designers
A-1.1.1-technology-ph1: aided by technology
A-1.1.1-misc-ph1: embed .. digital .. with .. physical
Sentence tree-threads
A-1.1.1-future-s1: "At the Media Lab, the future is lived, not imagined."
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Notes for W-MIT Source A-1.1.1
Submitted by Kathy on Tue, 2012-01-17 15:51Notes on "Mission and History" of Media Lab
from http://www.media.mit.edu/about/mission-history
1. Future
1.1 "At the Media Lab, the future is lived, not imagined."
1.2 "Media Lab researchers design technologies for people to create a better future."
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How can technology help instructional designers? Part 2—ID templates
Submitted by Kathy on Tue, 2010-06-08 21:44Microsoft Publisher helps people perform some tasks with available templates that embed the expertise of graphic designers. Therefore, with these templates, users lacking graphic design skills can still produce professional look documents. Moreover, even professional graphic designers might save time by simply modifying the templates.
Amazing MAPS—part 2
Submitted by Kathy on Fri, 2010-04-02 14:50

Amazing MAPs-part1
Submitted by Kathy on Mon, 2010-03-29 22:30A few typical moments in my daily life:
Moment #1: Visited Google Map, checked the route to a target place
Moment #2: Inside the subway train, viewed the subway map to see where to transfer
Moment #3: Calibrated with Canada Food Guide Map to plan my eating
Moment #4: Chose one of the navigation maps (in the software tool Articulate) for my e-learning design.
Moment #5: Designed a navigation map from SmartArt, and then combined with Articulate.
- Kathy's blog
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How can technology help instructional designers? Part 1: Can rapid e-learning tools fasten the instructional design process?
Submitted by Kathy on Thu, 2009-10-15 10:42As Lectora, Captivate, and other tools are called rapid e-learning tools, after all, they are only authoring tools. These tools can fasten the programming, and maybe some graphic design processes; however, they cannot fasten the instructional design process.
Eight tips for Drupal SEO (Part 1 of 2)
Submitted by Chi on Thu, 2009-02-26 23:56Search engine optimization (SEO) has become a necessary means to market websites. Drupal, a free and extensible CMS not only catches the eyes of small business owners, but attracts large enterprises. So how to SEO Drupal? I show eight tips below: