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By nature, the digital world is based on (0,1) 




==>  数学关系代表的是规律,人们的目的是理解规律和趋势

==〉Excel 中我们看到的可能是定量的图;Word 中的图可能是定量,我们也可以定性,部分  Smart Art 是定性。Krug 的书中,某些坐标轴表达的是区间和连续的概念

==> 教育学的研究是从定性到定量。图既可以表达定量的关系,也可以帮助我们看清定性的关系。

The math modeling used in daily thinking;

Chance, odds, probability: What is the bigger formula for most people, and how each person is short-sighted, or certain society are short-sighted.

How the big Bang theory use that 'The intersection of a few circles' to prove it

How Kaifu lee use the Probability-orientated-thinking to apply colleges, to defend himself

How do I try to use the graphic to express the meaning of self-designing (Speed, a, )

How the word 'Pattern' relates to 'Math'

How in daily situation, people violate the normal reasoning

S=(a, b, c, d, e)

Is 'S' good one or bad one?

Person X  knows that 'd' is a bad one, then he conclude that 'S' is a bad one.

But, the reality might be that a, c, d, and e are all good ones.

{More reasonable or less reasonable}

Can a person represents a place?  <This is a math problem>  <How do people generally think about this problem>

People feel the meaning with being respected and cherished by people.

5W1H 涉及到的数学模型,跟日常相关的模型。随着时空的变化,而如何变化