People who have affected and inspired me:
Dr. Marcy Driscoll Dr. Driscoll affects me deeply with her classic textbook <Psychology of Learning for Instruction: Third Edition>. Her book is a great mentor guiding me on the right track. Her book is a best friend that I am very lucky to have met. What she affects me mostly is her balanced view on learning: her trying to synthesize theories, and her stimulating readers to engage in working on synthesis. |
Dr. Vivek Venkatesh Dr. Venkatesh supervised my master thesis project; he has led me to a bright direction: DBR (Design-based Research). This choice has affected my research greatly. I am lucky to take the research method course, mentored by him. His research on topic-map and metacognition affects me deeply and widely through the structure and activities of a course. My ideas on Tree-Net borrow important elements from topic-map. He can see valuable things in my research, which has encouraged me greatly. |
Dr. Gary Boyd In Memory of Dr. Gary Boyd, Dr. Richard F. Schmid wrote this:
I am one of the lucky students who have got his helps. I am going to dig deeper on something that he has taught me: educational games and educational-cybersystemic theory. |
Dr. Fred Szabo Dr. Szabo commits deeply in exploring teaching mathematics with digital tools. As his student and his TA, I have learned greatly from him on how to engage in something passionately and diligently. Because of what he and other professors in mathematics department have taught me, my building mathematical models for learning sciences becomes more feasible. |
Dr. Dennis Dicks As the teacher in my HPT (Human Performance Technology) course, Dr. Dicks shows his inviting of students and supports for students from every aspect; he encourages students' self-exploring, he gives in-time, honest and humorous feedbacks. As a nervous graduate student on my first terms, it was very important to meet an inviting teacher like Dr. Dicks. |
Dr. Phil Abrami Dr. Abrami is my teacher for Learning Theory course. The most important thing that I have learned from him is: learning through teaching. Learning through teaching, designing, & researching is a key theme in my research. I appreciate his introduction of Dr. Driscoll's book as our textbook. He told a story: when he asked opinions from his teacher on how to teach, the answer was: choose 2 best textbooks for the course, giving students the second-best one, and leaving the best one to himself. He certainly chooses the best textbook for his students! |
Dr. Lifen Wang Dr. Wang founded the website of www.umiwi.com, which has inspired me in many ways. One channel about innovation was created due to her being inspired by www.ted.com. My later getting to know more about Ted is because of her too. |
People in TED I feel at home whenever I visit www.ted.com. It is amazing to learn so much from people who come from diverse fields. |

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