Weaving tree-nets with the Media Lab
What is weaving tree-nets? Suppose there are A and B, weaving tree-nets is a process of relating A to B. A and B could be people, organizations, projects, tools, ideas, or a mix of all etc.>> More Why do I want to weave tree-nets with the MIT Media Lab Analyze why the Media Lab and me can be a good match, in terms of goals, projects, and people's beliefs, interests, skills >> More Related file: Objectives of Statement for the Media Lab Ways of weaving Identify tree-thread types: key words, key sentences, people, projects, articles >> More
An Illustrated Case: Birthday Party Agent
Key words: Software Agent Group, Scratch, Lifelong Kindergarten Group, visualize learning, in sign activity, in play, in possible neural activity, collaboration, Birthday Party Agent
The background story
>>Tree (Software Agent) | >>Tree (Common Sense Computing) |
>>Tree (Lifelong Kindergarten) | >>Tree (Scratch in MIT) |
>>Tree (Design Robot: Birthday Party Agent) |
>>Tree (Tree-nets, part1) Visualize thinking and learning, in meaningful play, in sign activity, in possible neural activity, and in their connections and projections with each other. >> Tree (Tree-nets, part 2) Play and script; pre-, parallel-, and post-script; authentic-play and animated play; the same play by various people; relate all plays by one person >> Illustrate Play-&-Script: Part 1-4 >> Tree (Tree-nets, part 3) Thinking as a design process, mini-step of thinking as a function, treat thinking-function in SIF, relate Adobe Flash to Tree-Net: to design scripts and plays in Tree-Net >> Tree (Tree-net, part4) Scripts as important intelligence, how the scripts are obtained by H (Human-beings) and C (Computers). >> Illustration Icons for learning, HCI, & AI >> Dynamics of intelligence by human-beings and computers >> Tree (Tree-net, part5) Relate accounting to learning design. Relate business intelligence to learning intelligence >> Tree (Tree-net, part 6) Visualize 'weaving' in learning >> Tree (Tree-net, part 7) An architecture software for weaving tree-nets, each learner as a major architecture engineer. >> Tree (Tree-net, part 8) Import plays into Tree-nets, make post-structures (post-scripts) for these plays. Then these post-scripts can become pre-scripts or parallel-scripts in new plays. >> Tree (Tree-net, part 9) Why can SIF (Semi-structured illustrated function) work? >> Tree (Tree-net, part 10) The multiple windows in Tree-net: >> Tree (Tree-net, part 11) Fuse the digital bits with physical atoms. Fuse tree-net into other systems. |
Tree-net (SoftwareA, BirthdayPA) | Tree-net (Common Sense Computing, BirthdayPA) |
Tree-net (LifelongK, BirthdayPA) | Tree-net (Scratch, Birthday PA) |
Tree-net (Tree-Nets, BirthdayPA) | |
Tree-net (SoftwareA, LifelongK, Fengbin, Creative-Learners ) |
Working files
Set A sources & notes | Set B sources & notes |
Set A tree-threads | Set B tree-threads |

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