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Create Better Learning Experience

10. Building Tree-Net

Case 4: Building Tree-Net

Four sources:

>> More about Neuron Tree-Net

>> More about Road Tree-Net

>> More about Digital Tree-Net

>> More about Idea Tree-Net

The Tree-Net


Tree-Net is the Target (and shared patterns)

When building Tree-Net, with synthesizing from 4 sources.  

Tree-Net is the target and the shared patterns


In the Tree-Matrix, it shows the analogy network.


Win-Win situation: Tree-Net is the source, to inform the developments of 4-fields.

In this case, Tree-Net is the source (and shared patterns)

4 sub-fields are the targets

Tree-Net can inform the development of 4 fields: neuroscience, architecture, computer science, and cognitive science.


In the Tree-Matrix, it shows the analogy network

