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Create Better Learning Experience

7. Synthesize theories

Case 1: Synthesize theories with Tree-Net

Illustrating with Tree-Net

Some brainstorming ideas

Idea 1

Illustrating structures of Marcy Driscoll's book, and how the community of this book can be extended, and grow in a linked way. 

Idea 2

To extend Idea 1, I can explore the structures for each textbook, and this has been a long-time incubated idea for me: how A-Book can be evolved to a community: How A-Book can be married with many tools, for example, Quora.

Idea 3

This application then become a data-structure, or generalized user scenario that might be refered by tool-designers, and book-community stakeholders 

Idea 4

In the Tree-Net Tool, this will become a major category: how to design cognitive-tools relevant to A-Book-Community. Like a major section in Microsoft Publisher.

Idea 5

Original Tree-Net in Driscoll (2005)

Record Trees: Each theory, each story/case (either by others, or by Driscoll)

Fields Trees: Each aspect addressed by Driscoll, in each chapter structure, in her theory-matrix, even in the keywords at the end of the book  

Idea 6

The extented Tree-Net


Idea 7

Some illustrations on how my cognitive-space relevant learning has evolved.


Idea 8

It is like to put all mini-weaving actions inside the pool, and then ove long time, it is possible to weave everything together. The macro-weaving actions might be by individuals, by groups, with external tools assisted.

Idea 9

Powerful tools: notes, think about genius like Da Vinci, and Einstein. 

Digital Tools: think about graphic design & programming design, how the tools can assist the process of weaving micro-actions.






