4. Tree-Net features
Features of Tree-Net
As the Tree-Net structure is currently under-development, I only introduce a few fundamental features here:
1. The net is woven with threads, with each thread like a tree.
2. The tree-net is the route-network for an object/organism's action.
In our brain, neural network is the route-network for neural activity, with the 'object' as chemical/electric signals.
In a city, roads are route-network for a person, with the 'organism' as a person
In Amazon, pages-&-hyperlinks are route-network for users' surfing activity, with the 'organism' as a person who sees and clicks.
In a database table network, horizontally or vertically, one person can go from one cell to any other cells
In an idea-tree network, one person can visit from one idea to any other ideas.
3. New trees can be added into the network
4. Each tree-thread can grow, form new connections with other tree-threads.
5. Some tree-threads/connections might disappear, become weaker, or become part of new threads/connections.
6. The route-networks build the foundations for the objects/organisms' activities; however, overtime, the objects/organisms might change the route networks.
7. Meaningful activities drive object/organisms' movements inside the route networks.
8. Objects/organisms criss-cross the route networks. At a given time, space & culture, for a specific goal, an object/organism navigate the route networks in a special way.
9. There are multiple-levels of navigation systems for objects/organisms' moving.
10. Overtime, objects/organisms change the route-networks.

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