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Create Better Learning Experience

1.2 M-roles Principles

Principle1: Designers should design software that can facilitate multiple-roles behavior, and inform users these affordances.

For example, encourages users' inputs, in terms of reviewing the book, and self-writing books.

Principle2: For the tools that can facilitate m-roles, the companies might consider enlarge the market scope to learning-&-training market.

--On one hand, the software producers can get new channel of revenue.

--On the other hand, learners can benefit from the tool.

For example, Articulate can target their market to schools besides the e-learning design industry.

A set of index might be created in evaluating how a software can facilitate this principle, for example:

  1. m-role channels index: is used to evaluate how many types of roles can a tool afford. 
  2. m-role transferring index: is used to evaluate how the transferring between modes can be facilitated by the tool. 