10 Multiple modes, criss-crossing, cognitive conflict, and cognitive tools (M3C)
Based on her Master thesis project, Zhao Kathy drawn M3C from the synthesis of learning theories, and M3C consists of four learning models: Multiple modes, Criss-crossing, Cognitive conflict, Cognitive tools. We coined the term M3C with the first letters of the the four model names. These four models are more like common senses in our daily life, and they can thread all learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitive theory, social theory, motivation theory, and biological base of learning theory.
1. Multiple modes
Learning is a process of communicating information, and the available channels are multiple. In order to learn/communicate effectively, the learner’s choice of channels and his efforts in translating/transferring between various channels are important. Each communication channel can be understood as a mode of representation of information (such as according to Bruner, there are enactive [action], iconic [imagery], and symbolic modes [language, math, and music]), so multiple channels can be understood as Multiple modes.
2. Criss-crossing (getting-familiar model)
Learning is a process of getting familiar with something/someone. In order to getting familiar, a learner needs to interact with something/someone a lot. Criss-crossing means: in different times and places, for different purposes, different people interact with something/someone in different ways. Through criss-crossing of something/someone, a learner tends to become familiar with something/someone.
3. Cognitive Conflict
Learning is a process of solving conflicts. Conflict means that the incoming information conflicts with what a learner believes and knows. When encountering such a cognitive conflict, a learner tends to make efforts to discover why there is the conflict, and how he can solve it; therefore, learning tends to happen effectively. So creating and solving Cognitive Conflicts is essential to learning.
4. Cognitive Tools
Learning is a process of collaborating with tools. The tool might be a tangible tool, such as a hammer; the tool might be intangible, such as language. Tools that can enhance learners’ thinking, learning, and problem solving are called Cognitive Tools. The development of information technology enables the whole M3C solution works in a way that otherwise will be either impossible or difficult. The major difference lies in the capability of visualization; interaction; data-documenting, storing, and achieving.
By nature, all the M3C models are drawn from various learning theories, with tailoring and integrating various useful theories. So, from this point, M3C is NOT NEW.
However, there is something NEW about M3C solution. The purpose of creating this M3C solution is to integrate innovative learning theories, technology, and practices closely, and promote their intertwined developments.
M3C solution is both a set of learning principles and a set of learning tools. The reason that M3C solution is arranged before other tools (Learning Theory tool, ID tool, and DBR tool) is: M3C threads those tools.
In each part of M3C, you can learn more about it: the principles and the technology that can assist you apply the principles.

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