10.6 Multiple modes and learning theory
Bruner suggests that “humans respond to their environment through action or patterned motor acts, through conventionalized imagery and perceptions, and through language and reason” (Driscoll, 2005, p.228-234). They are enactive mode, iconic mode, and symbolic mode of representations. Bruner later commented that enactive mode should be more about procedural mode.
Dual-code processing (see p.97-99 in Driscoll, 2005): the processed information flows through two channels: verbal and visual.
According to Vygotsky, learning is to help learners perform in the zone of proximal development, and scaffolding is the means. Then the “teaching-people” (either a person, or an intelligent tool) should be able to communicate as effective as possible with the learner; and the learner should be capable of communicating effectively too.
According to the biological-base of learning, human being has the modality of intelligence (multiple intelligence). Also the evolution determines that human has got used to conducting procedural routines (Repeating doing something many times can help one become familiar with it, either explicitly or implicitly), and can become accustomed to physical visualization more. So, the procedural and iconic formats should be integrated with symbolic mode as much as possible.
For example, an organization that hires new immigrants: on one hand, the new immigrant should learn the language of the organization, the language= 2nd language + expertise language + 2nd cultural language + and others. If the new immigrant is very good at expertise language, his total score of language can be improved. However, in most situations, he needs to improve his 2nd language and 2nd cultural language, in order to conduct more advanced communications. On the other hand, the organization should enrich their channels of communication, and enhance their coding system in terms of new immigrants’. This should be a bi-directional action plan.
Another example is in a teaching situation: on one hand, the learner needs to improve his expressing ability; and on the other hand, the teacher should become familiar with the learner’s special coding system, therefore adapt his teaching-communicating-way to learner's communication character. Moreover, the more communication channels are there, the higher chance is that two sides can communicate better provided that both sides are capable of communicating by using this channel.
Language learning has been studied more thoroughly than most learning of other subjects, and there are more talents in the field of language education. Basically understanding of learning any subject can be related to learning a language, native or 2nd.

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